Boost Brain Power – Improve Your Life

Life is always changing. You are either improving your life or you are not. Time continues to flow on, technology moves ever forward, therefore remaining in the same place is impossible. This is all a good thing, every day is a new day to start fresh, make positive changes, and improve your life and surroundings. It is all in the choices that you make, especially the small steps that are consistent.

woman holding a laptop with the words Fuel Your Brain Feed Your Mind

There are countless ways in which you can achieve the goal of improving your life. That is great news, fantastic news even. But I am not going to tackle that list here today. What I am going to do is give you one easy way to step directly and firmly onto that road that will boost brain power – your brain power! Yes, I really have been introduced to an innovative product that will absolutely boost your brain power!

Boost Brain Power with a SNAP

The brain has specific needs just as every part of your body has specific nutritional needs. When your brain is fed the right combination of these supplements, you will boost brain power. Is it possible to find that perfect combo? A very solid and resounding YES!!!!!

Research on the brain is almost unlimited and has been being conducted for decades. All that can be known may never be exhausted. Our bodies are amazing and can be quite mysterious. I am a firm believer that we really must treat our bodies as a whole, not just to meet the needs of the physical but also our mental and emotional needs must be met to truly be healthy and happy. This product fills that bill completely.

The Brain Requires Glucose – The Right Kind and Right Amount

The brain requires glucose for energy so that we can be active and think and react to situations and to feel and therefore have memories. We get glucose from the food we eat, but if we eat the wrong foods that convert into the wrong type of glucose or simply eat too much glucose, it is detrimental to our health and well being. Neurologists call this Fathead! (I remember the term from my childhood but did not believe at the time that it was a real condition!)

With this knowledge, we can make better choices so that we can have unlimited energy, focus, and even happiness.

Boost Brain Power – More Energy to Achieve Your Goals

boost brain power Picture of a Box of bran

Our brain is approximately 10% of our body weight. So you would think that it takes 10% of our energy, but no it takes twice that. Our brain uses 20% of our energy! We only have a certain amount of energy so we need to use it wisely. But, what if we could have more energy, better focus, and a clearer mind to accomplish our daily tasks and even life goals?

Scientists have discovered a way to take real quality ingredients from real foods to fuel the brain. They have solved this mystery! This special formula makes what seemed impossible now possible. There is an easy proven way to help you achieve that perfect balance of clear thoughts, a calm mood, happiness, and confidence. Dare I say euphotic! In a SNAP!

Boost Brain Power, Mood, and Confidence

Now that these scientists have achieved their goal, we can take advantage of not only the physical benefits of this product but also the mental benefits. How many times have you headed into a room only to forget what you were going into the room for, can’t find the car keys, forgotten a neighbors name, and so on? We are busy people and get in a hurry so these little memory lapses are to be expected, right? No, they should not be part of our everyday. Boost brain power with brān® Reimagined and no more mental fatigue. Great focus and clarity of thought are yours to have with just a SNAP a day.

Any Testimonials?

There are many testimonials and more are being added every day. I have added this video and believe it will make this Boost Brān Power product a must for your daily health regimen.

Go Here to purchase and see the flavors available.

Personally, I love to just snap and consume, my husband loves it in his coffee. Have not tried the lemon but the Chocolate Sea Salt and Carmel Macchiato are wonderful, YUM!!!!! I will be posting updates with our own experiences as time passes. So far it has only been days and already noticing fewer headaches for me and better focus. I do not seem to be misplacing things as much and making fewer trips into a room to get something (now I remember why I walked into the room), for me that is a big time-saver, LOL! Love this product! Post more later.

Testimonial Update

12/1/2020 Said I would post more later, here it is. YOU have to join me in this awesome experience of brān®  Reimagined. Two huge reasons: 1) This product outperforms anything else out there! I am personally experiencing a clearer mind and more focused, improved mood (even with the shorter gray days), shortened headaches, better sleep, and more. 2) There is incredible income in sharing this awesome product that will genuinely improve everyone’s life that used this product. brān® Reimagined

I have an update. I have been doing more research and have written an article on the state of flow and as it relates to athletes as well as the rest of us (LOL). Read that article here. Also, my husband has begun to notice that when he is driving under stressful conditions his focus is sharper and his anxiety has noticeably gone down a notch or two. He does quite a bit of driving. As for me, I am simply able to focus better and feel in better control of my emotions, a bit more at peace with all the turmoil in the world today.

Order your Snaps today and take note of the positive changes you will experience.

Testimonial Update

This is August 2021. I have to give you a testimonial about my Mom and her husband, Don. They are both in the upper 80’s. Mom is pretty healthy but as any 80 something year old, she has had her share of surgeries, hospital, and doctor visits. She is a wonderful woman with a great disposition.

Don served in Korea, thank you. He has always been a worker and pretty motivated. But, Don suffered a severe stroke about 3 years ago and their lives dramatically changed. He is a walking miracle but does suffer side effects. His motivation, stamina, and just overall get up and go had left. My mom works hard to keep him motivated and keep him positive. So, a couple of months ago I decided to ship them the Brān product. I never said too much and there was a little hesitancy to add this to their daily routine. In the end Mom figure one more thing couldn’t hurt and she knows I read labels and research.

About a week, maybe a week and a half pass and we were talking on the phone and she asked it Brān was like an energy drink and was a bit concerned. I reassured her that I do not promote that type of unhealthy product and that even though this is not an energy drink, one of the bonuses is that you do have more energy and a more positive outlook. I asked why and she just passed it off as a question.

A Month Passed

About a month into taking the SNAP regularly she brought it up again. I had noticed she had been in a better mood but didn’t think too much about it until it became consistent in her voice. Don was even answering her phone now and then. As time passed it became more noticeable that she was working in her garden more and that Don was going outside more and just generally they sounded great.

Then last week, after two full months, Mom called and said I would never guess what Don did. I was a bit scared but her voice was so happy I knew it could only be good news. Don, after retirement, continued to work. He was an appliance repairman and he would mow grass for the church and for a lawn care company, almost full time. He had tried to mow after his stroke but it didn’t go well and never tried it again. Well, Mom proudly announced that he went to the church, got on the mower, and mowed for two hours without a hitch. Don remembered everything. He was a bit slower than before and very tired afterward but he did it!!!! He had not even shown any interest in trying until last week.

I live well over 1,000 miles from them. what an awesome call that was. They are in the upper 80s and are not going to live forever but with brān®  their quality of life has improved. I am so excited for them to come and spend the winter with my husband and me.

Thank You Velovita.

Update Spring 2024

It is time for an update on me and my husband. We have both struggles with our weight. Since the new plôs® THERMO non-dairy coffee additive and the byōm® remastered gut health products we have added to our daily routine, we have both seen a slow change. Of course my husband much more than me! I have started a working out regular for the first time in years, gaining strength, and overall better eating and discipline in my life. It was not over night but it is noticeable and I love it. My husband is a very large man and for the first time in literally years, we sat at a booth in a restaurant. We always had to set at a table because of his size. Once in a great while we would find a restaurant that the booth was large enough and the table was movable but as a general rule we always sat at a table. I am so excited for him and so is his doctors. We see light at the end of the long tunnel for the first time in years!

I would put a picture but he said he is not ready for that yet. Maybe the next update.