Homemade Hummingbird Food

Hummingbirds are amazing, to say the least. These tiny birds mesmerized me when I watch them flit from this flower to that and then hover here and there. Often when I am working in my years, they will fly around me and come surprisingly close. I really think they are trying to get my attention. I really do enjoy their company and they seem to know it. {Don’t tell anyone but I will even talk to them!} It seems as if they know I am the one that feeds them. Homemade hummingbird food instructions are important to follow closely, they have delicate systems, but let’s cover some fun facts first.

Taken right outside my kitchen window!
Taken right outside my kitchen Window!

Amazing and Fun Facts

Their name is pretty self-explanatory, it comes from the humming noise that their wings make as they hover and dart about. Weighing in at less than a nickel, they are the smallest migrating bird! Being so small one would think that they would migrate in large flocks but they do not. They usually travel pretty much alone for about 500 miles!

There are two little known facts that I find hard to believe about these tiny birds. One is that they can fly backward! Two is that they have no sense of smell! While they can’t smell the sweet aroma of flowers or feeders their vision is excellent. Some species of hummingbirds, like the Ruby-throated Hummingbird, prefer orange or red flowers. Plant naturally red or orange flowers or use feeders that have red on them to attract them.

Hungry Little Creatures

Hummingbirds are surprisingly big eaters. They can drink up to double their body weight of nectar in a day. Their eating technique is unique, they drink by moving their tongue in and out about 13 times per second! Their tiny legs are unique also. Those tiny legs of theirs are only used for perching and moving sideways while perched. They can’t walk or hop.

330 Species

The female usually only lays two eggs. These tiny eggs are about the size of a coffee bean. Their nest is tiny, only about the size of a half-dollar. My sister has actually seen their nests and eggs, I have not been blessed with that amazing privilege. She lives out in the country and they are the only ones that feed them for miles around and she and her husband have a bountiful garden to draw these wonderful birds. I have sat on her deck and tried to count them. Tried being the important word here, but was sure that there were at least 30 of them!

A flock of hummingbirds can be referred to as several names. A bouquet, a glittering, a hover, a shimmer, or a tune are all names used for a flock of hummingbirds. I believe each of these names is very fitting for these tiny wonders.

There are over 330 species of hummingbirds in North and South America of these special birds. Rufous Hummingbird, Anna’s Hummingbird, Calliope Hummingbird, Broad-tailed Hummingbird, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, Black-chinned Hummingbird are the most common species found in the United States. Unfortunately, I have only seen a few of these species.

Homemade Hummingbird Food Tips

Homemade hummingbird food is much healthier for the bird if you use quality ingredients. Not only will you save money but you will be providing healthy food for these amazing birds. They have a delicate system so following the recipe closely is very important. This nectar is a simple sugar and water ratio syrup.

These wonderful little birds will come amazingly close to you. I hang my feeder right outside of my kitchen window. All I have to do is reach out of my window, take it in, clean it and refill it. I also have deep pink morning glories growing up a trellis to my gutter that attracts the birds. My bird feeder is hanging right next to the morning glories. I can take pictures and watch the hummingbird within 2 feet of me! It is awesome.

Homemade Hummingbird Food Recipe

The recipe is very simple, 1 cup of sugar and 4 cups of water. You can multiply this as needed, depending on how many feeders you have. The directions are short but it is necessary to follow them closely. Please use filtered water, nothing that has fluoride, chlorine, or any additives. As mentioned before, their systems are delicate. The water needs to come to a rolling boil. Once your water has boiled about a minute then slowly add the sugar, stirring constantly, making sure the sugar does not settle and burn. Make sure all the sugar dissolves and is well mixed. Shut the heat source off and let cool. It is best not to add any coloring, that is not healthy for people or birds. The feeder and surrounding flowers will do the job of attracting them.

Storage Instructions

I am not a big fan of using plastic storage containers, although I do use them on occasion. But, I use glass quart canning jars to store the homemade hummingbird food. It is safe to store it for up to two weeks in the refrigerator. I only make what I think I will use up in two weeks.

It is important to keep your feeder clean and supplied with fresh food. The tiny birds will begin to depend on it as a consistent food source for them. Also, in hot weather keep a close eye on the food that it stays clear. If it gets cloudy at all, please dispose of it. Replace the food with fresh from your refrigerator.

If you start feeding them in the spring you will get a feel for the amount of nectar they will drink. When the weather turns consistently hot, I usually only fill the feeder halfway and every three or four days or so rinse and refill. My sister feeds a large amount of these beautiful birds and they drink it up so fast that she never has to worry about it going bad. I only have a couple of pairs that come consistently so I have to watch carefully that the food does not spoil in hot weather.

There are more amazing facts about these tiny feathered friends. I gathered my information from various places. Click here to read a little more technical information about their flight abilities and more.

Cleaning Instructions

Cleaning the hummingbird feeder properly is very important. Do not leave soap residue or bacteria in the feeder. Use this very simple solution to clean your feeder; one part vinegar and four parts water. Let sit for a couple of minutes in this solution then rinse at least three times under running water. This will thoroughly clean the feeder and leave no residue. Do this each time you refill the feeder or at least once a week.

As an additional tip, I use vinegar to clean all my fruits and vegetables! It works, it’s cheap and it’s easy. As my husband would say, all three qualities his wife loves.

Homemade Hummingbird Food Feeders and Fine Wine

It is amazing how easy it is to attract hummingbirds. Now that you have free entertainment coming and going in your yard, a glass of fine wine would complete the day. We all need to have some form of relaxation and enjoying your backyard is a great way to relax and lower your stress. Fine premium wines will complete any day. Now you can get these fine wines at member pricing delivered right to your front door each month………..Sign Up Today!!!!!! 

Wine bottles converted into hummingbird feeders

Empty Wine Bottles Make Beautiful Feeders!!!

Turn your empty glass bottles into hummingbird feeders using plugs available on Amazon or local hobby stores. Turn empty bottles into craft time with you and your children! This is a great use for the wine bottles.

If a delivery every month appeals to you then check out this great company that offers fine wine sales delivered to your front door. These wines are premium, exclusive, and are 100 percent guaranteed. Order Here!

Picture of a Hummingbird Moth, White Lined Sphinx Moth

Bonus: Hummingbird Moth

I wanted to add a couple of older pictures and a video of a great blessing I received. I was privileged to see a hummingbird moth! Yes, a hummingbird moth. I did not get great pictures, but the video is not half bad. This was a few years ago and have not seen one since.

The best that I can tell I believe this Hummingbird moth is a White Lined Sphinx Moth

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