Market Day – Wimberley Market Days

There is something so intriguing about creativity. We are all creative in one way or another and it often takes a lifetime to discover all of one’s talents. I genuinely believe we really never exhaust our creativity, it is an ever renewing resource. I love that about life, always something new to learn and experience. That brings me to my latest endeavor or maybe adventure is a better description, Wimberley Market Days. 

Murial in Wimberley Texas, Al Little bit of Heaven

Market Day is a Once a Month Event

Wimberly Market Days is a huge once a month event where crafters and artisans sell their refurbished wares, crafts, and show off their craftsmanship. This event is located in Wimberley, Texas. With 490 booths spread over 19 acres of shopping opportunities. Thousands enjoy walking through the booths and admiring the endless creativity. I have often thought I would love to try my hand at running a booth but I pushed it down on my list of dreams. Really, I figured that I was too old and that ship had sailed. I have not gotten into making anything in years. As I told myself these things I still had the desire to get my creative side to flow once again. 

Life is a Journey – Always Changes

If you read my welcome post you know that I have been on a journey and I have made a lot of changes in the last few years. It is not always easy to make changes and try new things, but always trying to improve who I am. Mastering a DIY and selling my crafts have been a dream of mine. I have made many Christmas, birthday, and other various special occasion gifts ever since I can remember. I loved a variety of crafts from wood to sewing. My husband has often been the brunt of a late night frenzy of the completion of a DIY project. I am sure he would be rolling his eyes at reminiscing about a particular Christmas and stuffed dinosaurs! That is for any other story. 

I took a woodworking class in high school (decades ago!!!! LOL)! Three girls started off in the class but by the third day the boys had run two off, I alone remained in the all boys class. The class was for boys only in the 70s but it was not in writing so they could not prevent me from taking the class. Driving me out didn’t work either, LOL! That is just a little insight into my personality. You see, I am the youngest of five girls so I was only my dad’s boy (and I loved it) but was the lowest on the totem pole, so to speak. More on that on another page someday. The class was a great learning experience and still carry a lot of that knowledge with me today. 

Creativity Reawakened

The years have rolled by and my DIY projects have diminished till I have hardly worked on any projects for a couple of years. My daughter, Courtney, suggested we work on some projects for a Halloween event that she and a few friends have been running for the last two years. I am NOT into Halloween by any means but it’s hard to resist helping my daughter on projects, It’s always a challenge and always as much fun helping.

The two of us had made a few vases using concrete and material for gifts about 4 or so years ago. She had been looking at Pinterest, (Oh My!!!!!) and came up with a few projects for the Halloween trail. We have been enjoying the challenge and the subject of the vases came up. Somehow she went from projects for the trail to actually getting us a booth at the Wimberley Market Day less than two weeks away!!!!

I said “sure” when she asked if we should try to get a booth, never thinking that we would get approved so quickly and the next available date would be 10 days away!!!!!! So, our adventure began. We spent the next 10 days working feverishly on projects to sell in our booth. It was exciting and stressful all at the same time. She went through her closet of projects and had several paintings on canvas and alcohol ink projects. Her latest projects had been playing with epoxy so that went full speed ahead and I started making concrete projects. We went through our inventory of miscellaneous craft remnants and came up with making wood owls to finish off our variety of crafts to sell.

Setting Up for Market Day

The day before our event we made the hour drive to Wimberley to set up the booth that had been assigned to us. The area is hilly with winding roads and beautiful scenery. There are unique shops all along the main street of this town that is sleepy during the week. The town square is just up the hill from a river and is full of eateries, antique shops, and unique crafts and refurbished goods. The small river that runs through the town has huge Cyprus trees that outline the river’s edge. I love this town and all it has to offer, shopping, eating, music, and nature.

We were beyond excited and nervous about our first show and the fact that it was with my daughter was the most exciting part of all. Feeling quite blessed, we found the booth assigned to us. We swept out our spot and began to unload our tables and set up our wares. It went really pretty smoothly for our first experience. I had to say my daughter is pretty amazing. Those we came into contact with were ver welcoming. There really was an atmosphere of comradery. We left feeling a bit more comfortable and more at ease about the coming day. Side note, without my supplements, (my Fav) I would have wilted.

Market Day Arrives

Saturday 4:30 am alarm went off and out of bed I jumped, threw on my clothes, and picked up Courtney. Threw last minute things into the truck and down the road we went. Excitement was in the air as we formulated our plan for the day. We, of course, got behind a law abiding citizen that believed 5-7 mph under the speed limit was the best way to travel!!!  If you are familiar with the area it is the king of no passing zone. We pulled up in front of our booth about 5 minutes before all vehicles were to vacate the area. We quickly unloaded and I went to get my daughter a coffee and ice for the cooler. 

As I headed for the coffee shop I realized that I had left my purse at the booth!!!!! Thank the Lord my husband and I are change collectors. I found enough change to cover the coffee and the bag of ice. As I am counting out the money for the coffee the young lady wouldn’t start the coffee until she saw I had enough money, I just chuckled to myself.  My vehicle was about on “E” but that would have to wait till after our Market Day. 

Great Experience – Lets Repeat That

The day could not have gone much better. The weather was great, neighboring vendors, and those that welcomed us were very helpful and encouraging. We actually broke even money wise. We felt like that was great for our first market day venture. It was a great experience. We are planning to participate in the next one.

My personal take away was that my dream list should never be put on a shelf. What you are reading now, my blog, is really a dream also. Writing has been a challenge and I have wanted to quit many times, just like my DIY projects. Even after all these years, I am learning not to limit myself. I am not alone in my blog venture and invite you to join me. The reward of accomplishment does outweigh the sometimes agony of all the work. I am finding that I am a marketer on various levels.

Life has many twists and turns and keeping it all in perspective is key to a happy healthy life. God is alive, active, and in control. He sees the whole picture, we only see in part. Our point of view is limited and most of the time not very clear. So, hang in there and keep positive. The community that I belong to is RRR247, {Reset, Refocus, Recommit} has stretched me in many ways beyond what I thought I could accomplish. I love this community.

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